Present Like Steve Jobs – Insight from Carmine Gallo (with video)

We’ve all sat through boring and ultimately time-wasting presentations.  So, when we hear a good presentation, it feels like manna from heaven.

I’ve written about speaking and presentation skills frequently on this blog.  (My most viewed post was:  2 Ways To Guarantee a Failed Presentation).

Recently, I found a great – I mean really, really great! – video.  It is by Carmine Gallo.  He had previously written How to Present Like Steve Jobs.  It is quite good.  This video, from, Present Like Steve Jobs, is better.  At 436,157 views, and counting, it may have quite a wide influence.

I was pleased to note that all but one technique identified by Gallo, I teach (with different, probably slightly more traditional terminology), in my speech classes and presentation skills workshops.

Throughout the video, which is mainly excerpts from an actual Steve Jobs presentation, Gallo intersperses his own comments, and his summary slides of Jobs’ technique. Here is a list of Gallo’s comments and slides:

• Jobs inspires …

• Here are several key techniques that Steve Jobs uses to electrify his audiences.”
• (with a headline) Set the theme
• Make your theme clear and consistent
• Create a headline that sets the direction (for your meeting)
• Provide the outline
• Open and close each section with a clear transition
• make it easy for your listeners to follow your story (Your outline will serve as guideposts along the way)
• Demonstrate passion (notice Jobs’ vocabulary choices)
• Wow your audience (passion is a must!) (You’re selling an experience)
• Make numbers and statistics meaningful
• Analogies help connect the dots for your audience
• Make it Visual
• (Minimum text – use one, maybe two images)
• Paint a simple picture that doesn’t overwhelm
• Treat your presentations like a show – with ebbs and flows themes and transitions, and a knack for dramatic flair
• Give ‘em a show
• Identify your memorable moment and build up to it
• Rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse some more
• Schedule the time to rehearse
• Give your audience an added bonus to walk away with

The video is just under 7 minutes long.  It is worth a careful viewing, and then a repeat viewing or two.  Here it is.  Enjoy – and learn.

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