Our Involvement Against Domestic Violence

As an organization, Creative Communication Network has taken an active interest in, and a stand against domestic violence.  You can read my essay about this topic that I wrote last summer on our blog by clicking HERE.

Here are some examples of our recent activity.  The New Beginning Center in Garland, NewBeginningCenterLogoTexas, has as its mission this statement:  “We are dedicated to ending family violence through education, advocacy, counseling and support and we work tirelessly to help bring these free resources to our community.”  You can explore the Center’s web page by clicking HERE.

The New Beginning Center is in the midst of hosting a five-day “Trendsetters Camp” for teens, ages 13-18.   The camp is to help teens build proper relationships, fight bullying, and prevent domestic violence.  We sponsored one of the teens to attend the camp.  You can click on the Center’s Facebook page HERE.   On Monday, June 13, one of our CCN speakers, Carmen Coreas, addressed the group of participants, by sharing her experiences and providing “red flags” for them to watch out for in their relationships.


We also provide Carmen’s presentation free of charge to all qualifying agencies and shelters.  Her speech, “It Ends With You” is an uplifting message for victims, explaining that there is always hope for a new future that they create.  Participants hear her story, and she shows them how to take charge of their life by taking specific directions that they can implement.  She says, “I understand what you have gone through – it ended with me!  It ends with you!”  For more information about her presentation, click HERE.  To book the presentation for an agency or shelter, contact me at info@creativecommnet.com.

In the summer, I teach a public speaking course, and I will invite top speakers to participate in a bureau to spread the word about the New Beginning Center, to provide positive public relations, and increase financial contributions and other means of support.

In the fall, I teach an MBA course in “Practical Business Immersion,” and the students will complete a plan for an important project for the Center to execute and implement.

These are just some of the activities that our company is active with regarding domestic violence.  For information on how you could help book a presentation, make a donation, or increase awareness, contact us at info@creativecommnet.com.




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