What To Look For In Coming Days On This Blog…

(A personal note – this has been an extended no blogging period for me, and it will not be over for a few more days.  Our two granddaughters (age 3 and 1) are with us, while their parents are away.  I have read a lot of books — about farm animals, and where things come from, and what people do all day…  but not much from my business reading stack.  So, to our regular readers, my apology, and I’ll be back at it soon).

What to look for in coming days on this blog…

I’ve mapped out a series of blog posts on the Four Decisions from Verne Harnish, and the decision that I want to suggest be added.  Call it a “fifth decision.”

In case you don’t remember, the four decisions are:


And, I’ve got a great “learning” suggestion for the new year that I want to share with you.  One you can do on your own that might be genuinely valuable.

So, I’ll be blogging about these soon.

Happy New Year.

(And for those of you who support winning football teams, advancing into and hopefully through the playoffs, please be kind to us from the Dallas areas.  It has not been a good year decade…).

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