Imagine If Only 96 Minutes of your Day Really Counted – Harvey Schachter Helps Us Think More Clearly about the Productivity Challenge

(Yes, I admit, this is a bit “self-serving.”  But I am appreciative, and have found a valuable new resource).


Harvey Schachter, Management Columnist, The Globe and Mail
Harvey Schachter, Management Columnist, The Globe and Mail

Here are the opening lines from a recent Monday Morning Manager column by Harvey Schachter, The 96-minute rule, and other timely tips, from The Globe and Mail:

Your work day today might be the traditional eight hours, or stretch to 10 hours or more. But imagine if only 96 minutes really counted.
What would you do in those 96 minutes, and how would you protect that precious time from external foes (colleagues, business partners, customers) and the foes within (procrastination, lack of focus)?
The 96-minute idea comes from corporate trainer Randy Mayeux. It’s not completely original, nor are the other splendid ideas he has for increasing your productivity. All he knows is what he reads in books. Back in 1998 he created, with a partner, the First Friday Book Synopsis in Dallas. Every month since then he has offered a tight summary of a popular business book for an audience over breakfast, and spring boards off those presentations to offer corporate training.
The ideas he has brought together in his package for personal productivity are a unique amalgam from those books.

Mr. Schachter saw my earlier blog post, 5 Rules of Personal Productivity – This Really is How You Get More Done, and interviewed me for his column.  And here are the five rules of personal productivity, which Mr. Schachter also highlighted:

Rule #1 – The 96-Minute Rule
Rule #2 – The Next Action Rule 
Rule #3 – The Replenish your Energy Rule
Rule #4 – The Learn to Say Yes, and No, to the Right Time Demands Rule
Rule #5 –  The Schedule a Little Time Each Day for the “Unexpected” Rule

Obviously, I appreciate Harvey Schachter for thinking that these tips would be valuable to his readers.  And I have now delved into some of his earlier columns.  He writes the Monday Morning Manager column regularly for The Globe and Mail, and other special columns, addressing a wide array of interests to the business professional.  I have done some “catch-up” reading from many of his earlier columns.  His writing style is clear, and his information is valuable.  He writes about management issues and challenges, generational issues, interview skills, and more…

In other words, Harvey Schachter provides yet another resource for the business person intent on being a serious life-long learner.  I have made him a new “regular check” in my reading.  You might want to also — click here to get to his Globe and Mail author page, which links to his most recent columns.  You’ll find plenty that is helpful, useful…

After all, there’s always the next new thing to learn.

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