Hire the Person, or Hire the Expertise from Elsewhere? – There Always Seems to be a Trade-off

So, an accomplished man is about to start a new “side venture” – a startup.  It’s about ready to launch, and he said – “I’m trying to decide between hiring a marketing person vs. hiring that expertise from outside.”

It is a pretty legitimate question:  do you hire a person, or hire the expertise from elsewhere?

In this case, I think I know just the outside firm to recommend – big enough to be good, small enough to be very attentive.

On the other hand, if the expertise is hired from outside, you get the quality of the product – but you may not get that additional voice of the person just hanging around in the break room and the hallway for the synergy of “collisions” – you know, that magic place where so many new good ideas come from…

In other words, it seems that life throws us trade-off after trade-off.

So, how do you decide when to hire a person, or hire the expertise from outside?

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