Bill Gates is in Learning Mode, as he Seeks To Do Some Very Real, and Lasting Good

Bil Gates while being interviewed on 60 Minutes
Bill Gates while being interviewed on 60 Minutes

Last night on 60 Minutes, Charlie Rose interviewed/profiled Bill Gates.  Read the transcript, and watch the segment, Bill Gates 2.0, here.  This is the latest incarnation of Bill Gates – the Bill Gates that is using his fortune to try to save a lot! of lives among the poorest 2 billion people on the planet.  He is especially taking aim at wiping out three killer diseases, diseases that kill many, many young children.

Mr. Rose showed us the private office (should that, instead, be called the private “study”) of Bill Gates.  He is working through two or three college degrees worth of lectures, and reading stacks of books.  He leaves some of his notes from his reading on his own web site, Gates Notes.  He reads widely, he listens to lectures to learn “deeply,” and then he takes what he knows, and what he is learning, and applies it to saving lives.

I have recently stated in one of my talks that Norman Borlaug may be the most important person who lived on planet earth in the 20th century.  His work on wheat is credited with saving the lives of one billion people.  Tell me who had a greater impact for good than Mr. Borlaug!

Well, last night, one could walk away with the impression that if Mr. Gates succeeds – and let’s all hope that he does – he could be the most important person of the 21st century.

Here is the quote of the interview:

The more you learn, the more you have a framework that your knowledge fits into…
Bill Gates.

A framework for your knowledge to fit into…  The more you learn, the more you know, the more you keep learning, the greater the impact your life can have for the good of others.

Good luck, Mr. Gates.

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