Onward (Schultz) Debuts at #1 – The May, 2011 New York Times Hardcover Business Best Sellers list

Here is the latest Hardcover Business Best Sellers list from the New York Times.  As I always mention, this is the list that comes out only once a month (contrasted with the Wall Street Journal, a weekly list, and Amazon, a list updated every hour).

As our colleague Bob Morris reminds us (and, as we all know/suspect, anyway), not all good books make it to such lists. And not all books on this list are really worthy of our attention.  In other words, popularity does not necessarily equal actual value.

But, acknowledging that, this once-a-month list means that enough people found these books to be worth the investment that it is at least worth a glance/skim, if not a read.

Some of the books really should be put on some kind of best sellers “hall of fame” list – Outliers and The 4-Hour Work Week have been here a long time.

And for our purposes at the First Friday Book Synopsis, we seldom choose finance books.  And we have other factors that are important to us that lead us to not select certain types of books for our event.

But, on this current list, we have already presented:  #4, The 4-Hour Work Week; #8, Switch; 9, Enchantment; #10, Delivering Happiness; #11, Outliers; & #12, Strengths Based Leadership.

For the next two-three months, we have already selected #1, Onward; #6, Win; and #15, The Thank you Economy.

Here’s the May list.  Onward makes its debut at #1.  You can read the review of this excellent book by Bob Morris here.


ONWARD, by Howard Schultz


THE MONEY CLASS, by Suze Orman. (Spiegel & Grau, $26.)


CHANGE ANYTHING, by Kerry Patterson and Others.


THE 4-HOUR WORKWEEK, by Timothy Ferriss.


THE DRESSMAKER OF KHAIR KHANA, by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon. (Harper/HarperCollins, $24.99.)


WIN, by Frank I. Luntz. (Hyperion, $25.99.)


THE TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER, by Dave Ramsey (Thomas Nelson, $24.99.)


SWITCH, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. (Broadway Business, $26.)


ENCHANTMENT, by Guy Kawasaki. (Portfolio/Penguin, $26.95.)


DELIVERING HAPPINESS, by Tony Hsieh. (Grand Central, $23.99.)


OUTLIERS, by Malcolm Gladwell. (Little, Brown, $27.99.)


STRENGTHS BASED LEADERSHIP, by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie. (Gallup, $24.95.)


IDEA MAN, by Paul Allen. (Portfolio/Penguin, $27.95.)


MONEY AND POWER, by William D. Cohan. (Doubleday, $30.50.)


THE THANK YOU ECONOMY, by Gary Vaynerchuk.


You can purchase our synopses of the books we have already presented from this list, and many other titles, with handout + audio, from our companion web site, 15minutebusinessbooks.com.

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