The Foundation of an Effective Presentation

The other day, a phrase popped out of my mouth, and I said…  “whoa, that’s it!”  (Have you ever had that happen?)

I was talking to my students in speech class,, and I said that gestures, eye contact, posture – there were all supplemental elements of delivery in an effective speech/presentation.  They are important, useful…  but the most critical element, the “foundation” element is the voice:  clear pronunciation, vocal variety, verbal punch.   (Never speak in a monotone!)

Think in terms of a wardrobe.  You have your garments that make up your “foundation,” and then your accessories.  The accessories really make a difference – they add life, and make everything work together better.  But they need that solid foundation.

So it is with a presentation.   Your voice is the foundational element.  And then your supplemental elements, your “accessories,” add life, and make everything you say work together better.

So – if you want to speak effectively, build that very solid foundation.  Work on your voice, your vocal variety, your verbal punch.  Get these right – really right – first! – then work on the “supplemental” elements, the “accessories” – the gestures, the eye contact, the posture…


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